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Richard dire states in his star theory that celebrities or ‘stars’ are a construction of a person through the media rather than a real person. This is applicable to the artist ‘King Pink’ that I have created for the project. It is conventional of the genre to have a desirable ‘star’ as the main artist which has been deliberately constructed through the images and social media pages I’ve crated alongside the website, digipak and music video to create a desirable and idealistic person for audiences to look up to. Steve Archer (2004) also states the importance of a star image describing it as crucial for audiences to admire an artist in order to promote and sell themselves as a brand which is exactly what I have tried to replicate by creating the King Pink brand across the three media products. This meets with conventions found in existing artist such as Jess Glynn, Madonna e.c.t. Steve Archer also emphasises that a star image needs ‘meat’, meaning that there must be an emphasis on the star, usually with central third and close up shots, both of which have chosen to comply with in the music video for the reason of creating a ‘star image’.

Stuart hall’s audience reception theory states that audiences read or understand a particular text according to their cultural upbringing. This is a theory I felt challenged the underlying promotion of LGBT that both the modern disco genre and my own media products are trying to create. There is an underlying promotion for people to view the products I have created and enjoy theme without the exterior and contrasting viewpoints therefore disproving this theory on the audiences account.


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